The Story behind Twin Rabbits Go Transylvania, Halloween series by Thérèse Wood Keeper of the Magic Key & Secrets to Twin Rabbit Power
Behind every smile, there’s teeth
explains Dracula on Halloween
However, if some bunny tries to steal my cape
Then my vampire teeth will be seen!
My fangs of Bran’s castle
are scarey indeed
They come out at midnight
when the werewolves stampede!
I call out for help
from the witches on their brooms
I’ll scare anyone who steals my cape
back into their bedrooms!
I hope you enjoy Romania
This story is around Hallowed’s Eve
I must go to bed now
Its nearly midnight so I suggest you, leave!
Hope you enjoy my Twin Rabbit series
My furry animals aim to please
So please enjoy & have Fun!
Thérèse Wood.
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